Novella is a reading tool that allows you to find tons of books to read up on interesting tales and surprising stories. This catalog is refreshed on a daily basis and offers users new stories all the time -- in genres as diverse as love stories, fantasy, horror stories, sci-fi and much more.
Before you start reading anything on Novella, keep in mind that you'll need to gain points in order to unlock new books. While you can opt to purchase points, there is a way around it by simply following the instructions in the app to avoid any pay hurdles, and read all the stories you want for free without spending so much as a dime.
When you select a book, open up the review sheet that comes with it to check out interesting and useful details. For example, it'll tell you the name of the author, title publication date, and exactly how many pages long it is. Plus, it comes with a full synopsis of the plot as well as comments from other readers. Whenever you pick out and crack open a new story all you really have to do is tap on the start button and begin reading.
Thanks to Novella, there's a whole world of literature out there that you can access right from your smartphone no matter where you are -- whenever you want. Get more points to jump into new stories to enjoy and follow along as new chapters are published for your favorite stories.